среда, 28. новембар 2012.

Internacionalni seminar Umetnosti i Misli
Santa Libera, 2013

Odlučiti da se ide putem ka šumi. To je put povratka sopstvenom sebi, istinitijem i apsolutnijem, koga gubimo u naborima življenja sveta drugih.
U potrazi za mitom, onim što je sveto, jedinstveno, univerzalno, i što je skriveno u Šumi naše duše. Slušati glas, pesmu, krik, plač svog ličnog i kolektivnog nesvesnog. Glasovi Šume. Slušanje sačinjeno od akcije, mentalne, fizičke, psihičke, u svakom trenutku. Da bi se približilo Šumi. Тоj Šumi koja poseduje drevnu mudrost o stvarima. Pobuna ne protiv, već za. Za nešto što je naše. Ovde i sada, uvek. Pobuna kao sveti način življenja. Pobunjenik hoda, između misli i osećanja, između Umetnosti i Stvarnosti, ulazeći i živeći dubine Prirode, mirisa trave, pesmu ptica, tišinu zvezda, otkrivajući poreklo sebe samog i čoveka, u svetosti Šume i odlučuje svoju sudbinu.
Internacionalni seminar Umetnosti i Misli
Centar Ljudskog i Umetničkog istraživanja Santa Libera
Pijemont, Italija
Prva edicija – 25. april – 4. maj
Druga edicija: 07. jun – 16. jun
Treća edicija: 30. avgust – 8. septembar

International Seminar of Art and Thought
Santa Libera, 2013

To decide to walk towards the road to the Wood. A way to return to one’s true and absolute self, that we are losing in the folds of living the world of others.
In search of the myth, of what is sacred, unique, universal, and that is hidden in the Wood of our soul. To listen to the voice, the song, the shout, the cry of one’s own collective and personal unconscious. The voices of the Wood. A listening made of action, mental, physical, psychic, at any times. To get closer to the Wood. That Wood that has the ancient wisdom of things. Rebellion not “against”, but “for”. For something that is one’s own. Here and now, always. Rebellion as a sacred way of life. The rebel walks, between thought and feeling, between Art and Reality, by entering and going through the depths of Nature, the smell of grass, the birds singing, the silence of the stars, discovering the origin of oneself and of the human being, in the sacredness of the Wood, and to decide his fate.
International Seminar of Art and Thought
Center of Human and Artistic Research of Santa Libera
Piemonte - Italy
First Edition: April 25th - May 4th
Second Edition: June 07th - June 16th
Third Edition: August 30th - September 8th

петак, 23. новембар 2012.

Da li neko još uvek leti iznad kukavičjeg gnezda?

To je film koji može veoma da zaboli. Može veoma da zaboli zato što govori o nama, svima nama. Govori o životu, o idealu slobode, o odnosu između čoveka i sveta, realnosti, toj realnosti, sistemu, pogonu, mehanizmu, složenom i neuhvatljivom, koji bi Kafka nazvao „Zakonom“. 
Dokle smo spremni da idemo sledeći ovu potrebu za slobodom? Sloboda kao potreba da se upoznaju druge mogućnosti života, biti u stanju da se to učini, da se suoči sa tim „zakonom“i pokuša da se pobedi. Zakon sa svojim pravilima, zabranama, često bez opravdanja. Slepi i apsolutni standardi i zabrane koje se „moraju“ pratiti. 
A mi? Vrlo često mi ih ne shvatamo, oni izgledaju normalno, logično, mi ih pratimo pasivno. Dok se ne pojavi „neko“ ko kaže da ne može biti tako, da može da bude drugačije, čak veoma drugačije. Neko ko nas budi iz te potčinjenosti pravilima i normalnosti. Razbijajući našu malenu igračku, napravljenu od umirujuće i nesvesne saglasnosti sa ovim pravilima.

Ovaj film može i treba da se čita pod ovim svetlom. Mi smo ti koji su bolesni. „Zakon“ sa svojim sredstvima pokušava da nam spljošti identitet, ostavljajući veoma mali ili praktično nikakav prostor za slobodu. Previše je pravila, i mi čak mislimo (ali da li mislimo?) da su ona prosto neophodna.
I to boli. Boli da vidiš kako prolaziš kroz život, ne shvatajući da si možda previše pratio ono što su ti rekli da će život biti, bez razmišljanja o tome da bi moglo biti drugačije. Bez nekoga ko ti uvek govori „kako bi trebalo da bude“. Bez autonomije senzacija, suda, bez mogućnosti posedovanja neophodnog znanja da bi se intervenisalo.
Onda se pojavljuje uznemirujući element, oslobodilac, i pitanje koje se prirodno javlja: „A gde smo mi? Ko sam ja“. U odnosu na sebe, ovaj svet i druge.
„U koju poziciju se postavljam? Da li patim? Da li se slažem? Da li dižem ruke? Da li se prilagođavam zato što „to je život“?
Mi često osećamo da nešto nije u redu. Ali, onda ponovo nastavljamo da pratimo struju. A kada postoji neko, možda umetnik, osoba koju srećemo, koja nas stavlja pred ogledalo, i ti pogledaš sebe i upitaš se: Kakav je tvoj odnos spram života? Možeš li sebe videti živog i vitalnog u njemu? 
To je ono čemu služi umetnost. Umetnost služi tome da bi nas podstakla da razmišljamo, jer nam u realnosti prostor za mišljenje nije dozvoljen, kao duševna bolnica u filmu, gde postoji muzika, televizija, fizičke vežbe, da bi nam bilo bolje, sve rukovođeno pravilima. Postoji čak i demokratija, gde „ako nisi u većini, ne možeš“.
Film govori o svim tim elementima naše realnosti, o našem ponašanju, našim željama koje su postale male želje: da nam bude bolje, da se zabavimo, da budemo mirni, da popušimo cigaretu. 
To je film koji je neprestano napet, koji prenosi nemir. Isti nemir koji provejava u nama i oko nas.
Ova ličnost, ovaj „Neko“, ovaj novi Hrist, je neobičan heroj, koji čini stvari pre svega zbog sebe, jer ne može da podnese život pritisnut zakonom. Neumoljivim zakonom, koji ne ostavlja izlaz. Mi možemo reći da nije tako, da to nije istina, ali ako dopustimo da nas ovaj film dotakne i pogledamo svoj život i njegov odnos sa realnošću, možda ćemo shvatiti da prečesto ne slušamo sve signale koje bismo mogli uhvatiti. Možda se za trenutak zaustavimo, zbunjeni, videvši „Nekoga“ ko dela van ustaljenih šema, van pravila, ali onda nastavljamo da „idemo dalje“, vođeni masom uobičajenog načina razmišljanja dok bi, u stvari, možda trebalo da postepeno ostajemo na određenim osećanjima i da učinimo da ona rade i da u nama proizvode prva pitanja, prve hipoteze promene.
Ali potrebno je imati slobodan um, bistar, svež, budan um.
Kao protagonista filma, Mekmarfi, koji budi druge, koji su uspavani, čak “dobrovoljno”. Dobrovoljci sna. Dobrovoljci, u smislu da se kriju od realnosti, jer se plaše da joj se prikažu, da se prikažu drugima, u svojoj neadekvatnosti. Plaše se da će ih neumoljivi Zakon ismejati i osuditi. 
I stoga odlaze u bolnicu, među bolesne, među neadekvatne. A onda dolazi on, nekontaminiran, neuslov-ljen sistemom, Zakonom. I zakon ga neumoljivo zaustavlja.
Ova ličnost je buntovnik, ali je uvek usmeren ka drugima. I to boli jako. Jer previše često sami sebe progutamo, proguta nas naš svakodnevni život, naše potrebe, naša osećanja. To je ljudsko stanje, ne znači da smo mi loši ili egoistični. A to je još bolnije, jer generalno, mi brinemo o drugome, mi smo spremni da ga osetimo, da ga razumemo, da pomognemo, da ga podržimo.
Ali imamo toliko toga da uradimo...
Imamo svoje probleme, i stoga možemo da posvetimo samo malo vremena, prostora i energije drugome...
Za Mekmarfija, naprotiv, ovaj odnos sa drugim postaje smisao života. Njegova nužnost. Najblistaviji primer ove njegove uloge je odnos sa Poglavicom, Indijancem koji se čitavog života pravio da je gluv i nem, zatvarajući svaku mogućnost odnosa.
On je zatvorio.
Ali Mekmarfi, kroz neverovatni proces empatije, ulazi u njegov jezik i u njegovu dimenziju, uspevajući da ga otvori i da učini da dođe do toga da kaže: “Sada se osećam snažan kao planina.”
I tako Poglavica pronalazi sopstvenu snagu, i sposobnost da razbije rešetke i prozore i da učini skok ka slobodi. 
S jedne strane je realnost, zakon, svet, a sa druge sam ja, koji sam deo realnosti, ali mogu da želim da steknem ulogu, aktivni smisao u ovom odnosu sa realnošću, ne zatvarajući se i isključujući se u svoj mali svet, već bacajući se van, do kraja.
Kao Mekmarfi, istinski tragični heroj, koji vodi sebe do svojih limita i prelazi ih, čineći da drugi prožive trenutke istinskog života. 
Zakon ga ne prihvata, i eliminiše ga, oduzimajući mu sposobnost da misli, da zamišlja, da kreira. Ali zahvaljujući njemu, možda će neko drugi moći da leti iznad kukavičjeg gnezda.
Jer je prošao on, kao kometa, koja je, prolazeći protresla prostor, duše, pravila, konvencije, i onda otišla.
On je odleteo, ostavljajući nam svoj osmeh, podsmešljiv, buntovan, nesum-njivo čovečan.

уторак, 20. новембар 2012.

Does someone still fly over the Cuckoo's Nest?

It’s a film that can hurt very much. It can hurt very much because is about us, all of us. Tells about life, speaks of an ideal of freedom, about the relationship between man and the world, the reality, that reality, system, gear, mechanism, complex and elusive, that Kafka would call “The Law”.
Till which point are we able to go to pursue this need for freedom? Freedom as need to know the other possibilities of life, and to be able to do it, to face and to try to win this “law”. A law with its rules, bans, often with no justification. Blind and absolute standards and prohibitions, which we “must” follow.
And what about us? Very often we do not realize them, they look normal, logical, we follow them passively. Until “someone” arrives who says that it can not be like that, that may be something different, even much different. Someone who wakes us up from this submittingto the rules of reality and normality. Breaking our little toy, made of reassuring and unconscious compliance with these rules.
This film can and should be read under this light. We are the sick ones. “The Law”, with its tools, trying to flatten the identity of the person, leaving very little, practically no space for freedom. The rules are too many, and we even think (but do we think?) that they are just, necessary.
And that hurts. It hurts to see that you went through life without realizing that maybe you have followed too much what they told you that life would be, without wondering if it could be different. Without someone that always tells you “how it should be”. Without autonomy of sensations, of judgment, without being able to have the necessary knowledge to intervene.
Then comes a disturbing element, liberator, and the question that naturally arises is: “But where are we? Who am I? “. Regarding me, this world, and the others.
“In which position do I put myself? I suffer? I agree? I resign myself? I conform myself, because “that’s life”?
We often feel that something is not good. But then we start again to follow the path of the current, and when there is someone, maybe an artist, a character that you meet, that puts us in front of the mirror, you look at yourself and wonder: “But how is your relation with life? Can you see yourself alive and vital in it?”
That’s what art is for. Art can be used to make us think, because in reality, the space to think is not allowed to us, as the asylum of the film, where there is music, television, physical exercises to make us feel better, all managed by rules. There is even democracy, that “if you do not have the majority you can not.”
The film is about all these issues of our reality, our behaviour, our desires, which have become little wishes: to get better, have fun, be safe, to smoke a cigarette.
It’s a film constantly “suspended”, which transmits anxiety. The same anxiety that winds through us and around us.
This character, this “Someone”, this new Christ, is an anomalous hero, acting primarily for himself, because he can not bear a life burdened by the law. A relentless law, leaving no escape. We can say that it is not like this, that is not true, but if we let ourselves be touched by this film and look at our life and its relationship with reality, perhaps we realize that too often do not listen to all signals that can be picked. Maybe sometimes we stop for a moment perplexed, seeing “someone” acting outside the box, out of the rules, but we will continue to “go on”, driven by the mass of common thinking and instead maybe we should gradually stay on certain feelings, and make them work, to make them produce in us the first questions, the first hypothesis of change.
But you must have a clear mind, alert, fresh, awake. 
As the protagonist of the film, McMurphy, who wakes the others, who are asleep, who are even “volunteers”.
Volunteers of sleeping. Volunteers in the sense that they hide themselves from reality, because they are afraid to show themselves to it, to others, in their inadequacy. They are afraid of being ridiculed and judged, by the inexorable law.
So they go into the hospital. Among the sick ones, among the inadequate ones. Then he arrives, a person that is not contaminated, not conditioned by the system, by the law. 

And the Law, inexorably, stops him.
This character is a rebel, but he is always directed toward the others. And this is something that hurts a lot. Because too often we are swallowed by ourselves, by our daily life, our needs, our feeling. It’s our human condition, doesn’t mean that we are bad or selfish. And this is even worse, because in general we care about the other, we are willing to catch him, to understand, to help him, to support him.
But we have so many things to do.....
We have our problems, so we can spend a little time, space and energy to another.
For McMurphy on the contrary, this relationship with the other becomes the meaning of life. His necessity. The shining example of this role is the relationship with the Big Boss, the Indian who throughout his lifepretended to be deaf and dumb, closing any possibility of relationship. 
He had closed.
But McMurphy, through an extraordinary work of empathy, enters his language and his dimension, being able to open him and get him to say: “Now I feel as strong as a mountain.”
So the Big Boss finds his strength, the ability to break barriers and windows and jump toward freedom.
On one hand there is the reality, the law, the world, and on the other there is me, who are part of reality, but I also want to acquire a role, an active sense in this relationship with reality, and not locking myself,excluding me in my own little world, but throwing out, all the way.
As McMurphy, a true tragic hero, which leads to his limits and exceed them, making the others live moments of real life.
The Law does not accept him, and deletes him, taking away his ability to think, to imagine, to create. But thanks to him, maybe someone else will be able to fly over the cuckoo’s nest.
Because he has passed, like a comet, that passing has shocked the space, the souls, the rules, the conventions, and then has gone.
He flew away, leaving us his mocking smile, rebellious, definitely human.