Fare Anima (Making soul)
To make soul. Suggestive image. Of the psychoanalytic origin, during the time it became a concept with much wider meaning and content.
But what does it mean? How is it possible to connect an active, dynamic and concrete action, such as “to make” which we can read also as to construct, enlarge... and “Soul”, an immaterial and spiritual entity by definition, which is unattainable through our senses?
But exactly from their matching bursts out a special and extraordinary hypothesis about life and world. Another example of the importance of words, if we use them well, and of their creative function, when, liberated from the logic of the rational thought, they can run through the green meadows of possibilities, fantasy and imagination arriving to the creation of new worlds and new visions of the world.
“Making Soul” is a task, a work, the only truly possible. Making soul is a work for a lifetime, hard work. There is no giving up from work, but on the contrary, there is a commitment to the work, to the creation which is first of all an action of the mind: “Stimulate the mind to create/ in modes and times/ which are of the mind”. These are words of one contemporary poet. And this has been reaffirmed, in different ways, by many poets and thinkers throughout the history of mankind.
What may include that activity that can be carried out in relation to this “our” soul, whose existence many bring into question?
Let’s try to think of the “soul” (and in this way we will separate ourselves from the psychoanalytic and religious thought) as of everything that is not related to my “I” nor to the external reality in its contingency. And neither to the instrumental relation that may exist between I and this reality.
On one hand we can get closer to the concept of the “inner world”, to all that content of images, tensions, visions, knowledge, thought, and why not, experiences, that “open” towards the “ other” from “us who we already are,” that enlarge, but with a “different material “, our essence.
On the other hand, we can see the soul also as part of that “Anima mundi “ soul of the world which contains in itself all of the existing lives as a whole, the whole in whose widening and expansion we are called to participate actively.
In this sense the image of the universe that is constantly expanding can help us. The universe is being pushed to this widening by an original centrifugal force. In the moment when this push is reduced or exhausted we will witness an irreversible implosion and a diminishing up to the null of the space of the world.
Isn’t it maybe what is happening on the parallel plane to the interior world? Isn’t this interior push toward widening becoming weaker, fainter, slower? Isn’t this interior world, or the soul of the world, being wasted away because it doesn’t find enough propulsion, motivation, force to grow in a disinterested and absolute way, squashed by a progressive push towards individualistic reassurance and satisfaction?
And what will happen to us and to our souls, not nourished anymore by our own internal processes and the process of the entire inner world?
Our soul is no longer in a commanding position in our life. Our life is dominated by a kind of anarchy. We move as beings “thrown into the world”, trying in every moment to react in the best way, in a kind of constant improvisation. But it lacks a guiding, a great force, experienced, charismatic, that will put in order our different aspirations, impulses, intentions and emotions.
When we were little we had a “mother”, at least as an absolute concept, which took us gently by the hand and led, showing us the way and to whom we totally committed ourselves.
But today, when we are grown up, we have to create our “mother” by ourselves, through a constant and continuous work of creation, expansion, enrichment in knowledge and experience.
This “mother”, this “great mother” that collects and constantly, throughout the life, increases Knowledge, Thought, Visions, Artistic words and images; material which she then constantly elaborates in order to give us the necessary balance between feelings, thoughts and acts. That is our soul.
To make soul. To make space. To create space.
“Inside of us.” reducing in our mind and in our heart the space for our own I and increasing our soul. Like to put new seeds and bulbs of flowers, in a garden, which is maybe too much cluttered with stones and fake grass.
“Outside of us”, through the interaction with the other in order to create the space, to make together Soul, to provide resistance to the reflux that appears to be unstoppable, made of the debris of humanity, frightened and therefore aggressive, that is trying, by all means to defend its own “I”. Unconscious, perhaps, that the emptiness of its own soul and its own interactions, is contributing to the progressive reduction of the Soul of the World, leaving the magma of empty existences, less and less able to create images, thoughts, visions, new knowledge, to cross the borders of themselves and spread into the world.
Who can help us to make, to enlarge our soul? What can we put it our inner garden, which would help us to create new germs of thoughts, images, ideas, visions, feelings, emotions?
A meeting. Meeting with other souls. Great souls of the history of Human. Souls who have contributed to the development of the knowledge about the depth of Being which is an indispensable condition to create the necessary unity of Feelings, Thoughts and Actions. To the point in which we feel like one united soul, each time a little bigger.
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